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For my final project as a student at UC Davis, I created a scavenger hunt for the Davis community as it celebrated 50 years since the installation of the first bike lane in the US. I organized the event and curated 17 bikeable locations at which participants would receive a fun and educational experience or challenge before receiving a sticker for completing the clue. Once all clues were completed, participants would ride back to the start to collect their prize and take part in a pizza picnic.  

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Map of all the clue locations, each assigned to a classmate to create an interactive experience.

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Flat version of the pamphlet given to the participants containing the rules, clues, map, and area to collect stickers. When printed, folded into quarters.

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Along with organizing and running the event, I took on the role of graphic designer which included, among other things, creating flyers, stickers, commemorative posters (above), and designing a way for people to have access to the rules, a map, the clues, and a place to put their stickers.

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